Oxfordshire Volunteer Befriending Service
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About our cause
Oxfordshire Volunteer Befriending Service provides a much needed and valued service for family carers and the people they care for.
We offer regular weekly breaks to carers. Dedicated volunteers sit with the person being cared for 2-4 hours, while the carer has a break from their 24-hour caring role. This break could be having lunch with a friend or attending a keep fit class.
Volunteers also act as a listening ear, supporting both the carer and cared-for person. Carers often confide in their volunteer, as it is often impossible to explain to a family member how stressful they find their caring role.
These breaks are very beneficial to Carers and the people they care for. Regular breaks may help prevent Carers reaching crisis point and enable them to care for longer, hence avoiding or delaying placing their loved one in a Care Home. Depression is common in Carers and may be alleviated with this support.
The service is free for Carers as not to add to their financial burden.
We need your help so we can continue to offer and even expand our service!
Thank you for your support and good luck!
Yours sincerely,
Elaine Gilbert
Next draw prizes
£25,000 jackpot
Next draw
Sat 22 February 2025
Draw results
£25,000 Jackpot
How the lottery works
£1 per ticket
That's right, unlike many other lotteries, our lottery tickets are only £1 per week.
Help us do more
For every ticket you play 80.0% goes to good causes and prizes.
£25,000 jackpot prize
Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!
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